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Pulmonary Function Test
Pulmonary function tests, also referred to as lung function tests, measure
how well your lungs inhale and exhale air. Depending on the tests used, they
may measure how well your lungs transfer oxygen to the blood.
Why do you need pulmonary function tests?
Pulmonary function testing can help you and your doctor:
Detect narrowing in the airways of your lungs
Identify early changes in your lungs’ ability to transfer oxygen to your blood
Decide if a medicine, such as a bronchodilator, could be helpful
Show whether exposure to substances in your environment has harmed
your lungs
Determine your ability to tolerate surgery and medical procedures
Measure the effect of chronic diseases like asthma, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), or cystic fibrosis on lung function in order to
better determine the course of treatment